Talone Lake is in the NE part of San Diego County,
near Guajome Lake and Upper Pond.
It's a large expanse of reeds right now, with very little visible water.
The area is fenced but the fences are broken down and you can
walk around some parts of the perimeter.
The Oceanside website says:
Behind the Town Center North Shopping Area lies Talone Lake
a 23-acre lake surrounded by isolated wetland ponds.
Located in the San Luis Rey Watershed, Talone Lake
accomodates migrating wildlife and endangered species.
Created by a natural depression in the land,
Talone Lake’s water is recharged by urban runoff and rainfall.
Talone Lake has begun to fill and become overtaken by vegetation.
Eventually the lake will dry up completely, but remain an undeveloped
wildlife harbor of riparian vegetation: willow, cottonwood and mule fat.
Isolated wetlands support woodland and riparian scrub species.
In the interior portions of the Lake, bulrush grows rapidly,
naturally depleting Talone Lake’s water level.
Least Bells Vireo and California Gnatcatcher are the two primary
endangered species sighted in the Talone Lake area.
Talone Lake does not support recreational uses by humans.
It function solely as a wildlife habitat for flora and fauna.
View from the W side
View from the SE corner
View from the E
View from NE side looking carefully, we find the only open water!